How to Store Oysters

Store live oysters in a shallow container (not airtight) lined with moistened paper towels. Discard oysters that are not closed or don’t close when tapped. To maximize freshness when storing shucked oysters keep in the refrigerator between 33 and 40 degrees F. You can also put the packed oysters in a container packed with ice in the refrigerator.


16 hours ago

Virginia Seafood
Sea Scallops are a delicious and valuable Virginia Seafood treat! They are caught offshore in the Atlantic Ocean and frozen and packed for food service and retail markets, preserving that fresh just caught flavor. They are also regularly included among Virginia’s top ten annual seafood landings. Sea Scallops are tender when cooked and develop a sweet flavor making them an excellent choice among Virginia Seafood. When shopping, make sure to source for fresh and local Virginia Sea Scallops. Go to our website to learn more about our Fish of The Day, the Sea Scallop. ... See MoreSee Less
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